City of Mountain Breezes
Cleveland, Georgia.

At the February 8, 2021 City Council Meeting, Municipal Court Judge Garrison Baker administered the oath of office to Jeffery Shoemaker as the newly appointed Police Chief for the City of Cleveland.

Chief Shoemaker affirmed that he will  support and defend the Constitution of the United States of America and the State of Georgia; faithfully perform all the duties of his office;  faithfully observe all the rules, orders and regulations of the Cleveland Police Department; and will faithfully enforce the laws of the State of Georgia and the ordinances and charter of the City of Cleveland, GA.

As Police Chief of Cleveland, GA.,  will faithfully serve and protect, to the best of his ability, all citizens regardless of race, color, or creed. 

Accepts the Law Enforcement Code of Ethics of the International Association of Chiefs of Police as his standard of conduct while on and off duty and swear to faithfully abide by and defend the same.

He is not the holder of any unaccounted for public money due this state or any political subdivision or authority thereof; and not the holder of any office of trust under the government of the United States, or any other state or any foreign state, which by the laws of Georgia, prohibited from holding; and  otherwise qualified to be a law enforcement officer according to the Constitution and the laws of Georgia.

Mayor Turner and the City Council congratulated Chief Shoemaker on his appointment and offered their support as he transitions into the position.